Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Series 3, Episode 5: "The Weather"

If you weren't able to catch Rock Show last week, you missed Chris' poignant reminiscing about "when Prince won the Superbowl"—upsetting the heavily favored Colts and Bears—by closing his show-stealing halftime performance with a symbol-laden rendition of "Purple Rain"...performed in the midst of actual rain!

Anyone up for a game of basket—erfootball?

This week's episode—provisionally titled "The Weather"—threatens to invite similar musings as we tackle some of the rock genre's greatest songs related to rain, sun, snow, wind, sleet, cloudiness, fog, hurricanes, and perhaps even hail. Please send us your requests and tune in tomorrow (Wed) night at 7:00 CDT.


  1. Could you play "It's Raining On The Car Of My Heart (And I Forgot To Roll The Windows Up)"?

  2. I assume you mean the original version by Doctor Bohle & The Heart Destroyers? Unfortunately, I don't think we have that in our archives.

    We do have a song by the same band called "It's Overcast On The Highway Of My Soul (And The Defroster Isn't Working)." Would that suffice?

  3. Sounds like Ted's Atomic Bedpan is playing some Bob Seger. Didn't see that one coming. Anyway, I'll be arriving at the studio in a few minutes...

  4. I just took rickshowiowa.blogspot.com

    Suck it!

    (Seriously, though, I did just take that blog name for no reason whatsoever while you were talking because it sounded like a fun idea. Now what do I do with it!?)

  5. Seriously, Paul, that was a stroke of genius.

  6. rickshowiowa is pretty uninspiring on an almost qwikster level

  7. ok, I put some "rick" on rickshowiowa
