Sunday, May 22, 2011

Rock Show: Summer Session

Rock Show's Summer Session schedule begins tomorrow (Monday) night at 8 p.m.!

Rock Show will play on KRUI's main over-the-air stream on Mondays through August 8th. The streaming links to the right have been updated.

I saw this song performed live this past weekend by an actual rockabilly band!


  1. Do you take call-ins now? Also, if you need an aside, you have permission to talk about my b-ball dream.

  2. checking in... it sounds crystal clear!

  3. Trouble with mp3 players. Our best guess at this point is that Pepperjack and/or Bearclaw tampered with the cords in an effort to upstage us once more!

  4. The show sounds great on the giant console stereo we picked up on a curb last summer! Suck it, internet! FM rules!!!

  5. nice show fellas! & thanks for this ghostbusters song.

  6. clake: The Small Faces was brought to you by the brief staredown that ensued between Mike and I over who would push the Play button.
