Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Series 3, Episode 9: "Non-Album Singles"

With its powers combined, The Beatles 1967 "double A-side" Penny Lane / Strawberry Fields Forever represents arguably the most heralded single in the history of pop music.

Adding to its allure is the fact that it was a "non-album single"; that is, neither of its songs were featured on any of the band's original albums. I hasten to add the word "original" because both songs — along with two other non-album UK singles — would later be included by Capitol Records on the 11-track US release of Magical Mystery Tour, which would eventually (i.e., in 1987) supplant its UK counterpart (a six-track "double EP") as the "official" version of the "album." (Yeah, it's kind of complicated...)

Anyway, as Chris wonderfully put it in his much timelier post below, tonight's episode of Rock Show will celebrate other non-album singles. Tune in!


  1. I was watching "I didn't know I was pregnant" and almost forgot it was time for the show

  2. What a coincidence! We're thinking of adopting the tagline "Rock Show: Listen to this and you will have no inkling that you are pregnant."
